What’s happening in my world? Sometimes I get so busy that I forget to post. It has been a productive spring and summer. First, the audio book of The Quisling Factor came out in April. As a novel in paperback and ebook it has received wonderful reviews. I’m very grateful that it received an Honorable Mention from the Writer’s Digest 2021 self-published Ebook. The judge for the contest gave one of many wonderful comments:
Your story reminds me of the wonderful WW2 stories Ken Follett used to write. The different plot lines, the raw emotion you evoked, the heroism and sadism were so well written, I found myself getting emotional while reading. To engage a reader that strongly is a gift.
A writer couldn’t wish for anything more than that.
Currently, the audio book for Quisling is on sale as a CHIRP Featured Deal. You don’t have to pay a monthly fee to get great audio books from there.
Getting back in action

Like so many Americans, this spring and summer has all about getting together with family and events after two years of hunkering down. Many of my writer’s groups began to meet in person, my church started meeting in person (though I still do ZOOM) and events that were shut for so long were back. Erik Larsen came to Bellingham for a discussion of his novel, The Splendid and Vile, the story of Churchill and London during the Blitz. A fascinating interview on his research and rare invitation to see private papers. I always love a good story about research. Discovery of little know facts can create a wonderful story.
In June, I attended the Orcas Island Lit Fest in Eastsound after a two year drought. Another author favorite, Tim Eggan, led a discussion about what stories to write about in climate change times. June was also the revised time for the Chanticleer Author Conference. Being back with writerly friends in person and not on Zoom was so uplifting. We were still careful not to get too close, a good, safe time was had by all. The awards banquet was a lot of fun.
My grandkids and son came in early July. The Mount Baker area still had a lot of snow, but didn’t keep us from enjoying the trails around the Austin Pass Warming where I have given talks on the CCC and early hikers of the 20th century. High on our agenda was to find pikas and listen for their “meeps.”
English Encampment
2022 is the 150th anniversary of the awarding by international arbitration the San Juan Islands to the USA. For two years, local re-enactors portraying Hudson’s Bay Company workers, Royal Marines and US Army were unable to come due to COVID restrictions. After two years, I was back as Miss Libby, schoolmarm. The highlight of the event is the ball. I was careful to wear a mask inside, but here I am outside in my day dress. We are so lucky to be able to camp in the national park and tell stories of the times.
Enjoy the rest of your summer. Can’t believe it’s nearly over.